Via del Quadraro 102, 00174 Roma, Italia
+39 06 42014109
+ 39 06 42000442

Ahmad Nejad

Ahmad Nejad was born in 1968 in Lahyian, north of Iran. Since childhood he was attracted by art language, when he was 13, he do his fists experiences in painting and sculpture and in the 1987 he moved to Teheran where he started his studies at Belle Arti Academy. After some expositions and teaching in Teheran, he leaved Iran and moved in Paris where he continue to do his creative works, exposing in various Gallery in France and abroad (Galleria Gagliardi of Turin, Galleria Kòine in Naples, Castello di Rivara-Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Galerie 55 Bellechasse of Paris, and some festival like Videoformes of Clermont-Ferrand and Over The Real of Viareggio).

Today he lives between France and Italy, and for some years he is dedicating himself to video and video installations.

Thursday March 23rd, 2017

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